Wednesday, February 5, 2020

We Created This

I will not join any of you today (or any day) in your bashing of our government, or its officials.
Not because I like what they do, what they stand for, or how they act...but because I believe we created this problem. They gave us what we wanted, and we are mad at them for acting that way.
We caused this.
The national addiction to sensationalism and headlines, the bloodlust and joy over watching people's destruction, the unabashed personalities that we encourage to get into the political ring, the fact that politics have become a financial and popularity contest rather than a serious search for skillsets and policy experience, the 24 hour news cycles, and of course...the self serving attitude that we won't vote for people that we disagree with even if they are better for the whole population.
We forgot that we are a nation of individuals, that we don't have a cookie cutter populace, that we have a myriad of wants, needs, and hopes, that we aren't a wild pack of animals protecting the king and allowing the picking off the weak for food...we are country that used to fight to raise our lowest and encourage them rather than design a world where they have no chance. They ARE us.
We worship all that costs money, and forget all that doesn't. It's a system of money talks which means that a lot people with good characters walk. Hell, we won't even let candidates debate if they haven't raised enough capital, as if only people with money get a voice in who gets elected. If the people you represent can't afford to keep up with the ones who support the opposition, you don't even get to go to the fight and try.
We encourage a two party system for a nation that has grown to a size and population our forefathers couldn't have imagined. They only represent two lines of thinking when there are thousands. They represent ideas under umbrellas, within boxes and without legal justifications only moral resistance without logical cause. We forget that the men who wrote the constitution would be equally as concerned at the fact that women and non white folks were allowed in the House chamber as they would be with gun laws. They would not have allowed such chaos or disregard for themselves.
We make race, sexual orientation, and gender more important than the person we want to vote for. People advocate for and against candidates based on those attributes alone, leaving out the relevant topics of experience and policy proposals.
We create laws to force people to behave the way we want. We make laws about morality and behavior that apply to only certain genders or skin colors.
We created them. Only we can change it.
The forest people....not the trees. Pelosi? Tree. Trump? Tree. The society we created? Forest.
We created this.