Thursday, May 22, 2014

I. Me. Sonja. Who?

I wonder who I am. Often, intensely, and longingly.

I wonder what I like. Who I like. What I want to do. What I want to be. What music is my style? What clothes do I want to wear? How do I want my hair to look? Where do I want to live? Who do I want to share myself with? Am I gay? Am I straight? Will I be successful? What do I want to succeed in? Do I believe in God? Did I want kids? Do I want to get married again? What kind of food do I want to eat?

I feel funny saying I do not know the answers to these questions, and yet it is true. Sometimes I feel like a chameleon, changing my self to blend in to my environment. At other times I feel like I am just walking on eggshells, trying to make my behavior match what I think other people want from me.

Here is an example...When I was 21 I was dating someone that told me that they did not like Bob Segar. For the next 12 years, any time Bob Segar came on the radio, I changed the station. Now, mind you, we had stopped dating 11 years before I realized that I wasn't the one I was changing the station for. I still do not know if I like his music, but I can listen if I choose to (right???).

At 43 years old, when I am busy comparing my inside thoughts to other people's outside appearances, I feel alone in my quest for self. I am sure that there are other people that feel the same way, but they all look so comfortable in their lives, in their choices, in their skin. I hope they are.

Someday I will wake up in the morning and worry more about what I want, what I feel, what I like, what I need and what I love than about how I am perceived by others. And when that day comes...I imagine Bob Segar will be playing on the radio in the background...


  1. You are not alone and I would bet the people who "look like they have it all figured out" look at you and say the same thing about themselves! I actually feel very similar. My question "Why am I here?" What is my purpose? What did God plan for me?" At 45, I am still searching for answers...

  2. The amazing thing is, you will wake up one day and several others. Each new day the you you long for comes clearer. Sometimes we lose ourselves in others and the way back is self discovery. What does Sonja llike? Who will she be today? Answer: fabulous.
